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Scottish Parliamentary Corporate Body Questions

Thursday 24 November 2022 2:14 PM


Paul Sweeney S6O-01610 To ask the Scottish Parliamentary Corporate Body whether it will reject the Annual Survey of Hours and Earnings and Average Weekly Earnings average of 4.2% for uprating the Staff Cost Provision in the financial year 2023-24. Miles Briggs S6O-01605 To ask the Scottish Parliamentary Corporate Body what discussions have taken place to consider providing cross-party groups with access to broadcasting services in committee rooms. Stuart McMillan S6O-01608 To ask the Scottish Parliamentary Corporate Body what guidance is available to MSPs regarding undertaking party political activity on the parliamentary estate. Pam Duncan-Glancy S6O-01609 To ask the Scottish Parliamentary Corporate Body whether it will consult MSP staff trade unions before deciding on uprating the Staff Cost Provision in the 2023-24 financial year. Foysol Choudhury S6O-01572 To ask the Scottish Parliamentary Corporate Body whether provision can be made for access to the Room for Contemplation for evening events held during recess. John Mason S6O-01607 To ask the Scottish Parliamentary Corporate Body whether MSPs and their staff are putting their rubbish in the correct bins for recycling or otherwise. Neil Bibby S6O-01611 To ask the Scottish Parliamentary Corporate Body how it will support any Members’ staff who are dealing with added financial challenges and pressures after the homeworking allowance payment was discontinued in October. Martin Whitfield S6O-01606 To ask the Scottish Parliamentary Corporate Body what steps it is taking to improve safety for MSPs both within the Parliament and outwith the parliamentary estate.

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