Michael Matheson S6M-09191 That the Parliament recognises the value of the Hospital at Home programme in ensuring that people receive the right care in the right place at the right time; highlights that it offers a safe, patient-centred alternative to an acute hospital admission across a range of specialty areas, providing a better outcome for many people, without some of the challenges associated with an acute admission; welcomes that Hospital at Home has eased pressure on acute hospitals, with over 63,000 bed days provided last year by Hospital at Home for older adults; notes research showing that Hospital at Home is a cost effective alternative to acute care and provides very good clinical outcomes, and acknowledges the excellent work done to date by Healthcare Improvement Scotland, National Education Scotland and dedicated clinical networks to support the development of Hospital at Home. Sandesh Gulhane S6M-09191.2 As an amendment to motion S6M-09191 in the name of Michael Matheson (Hospital at Home Programme in Scotland), insert at end "; emphasises that maintaining existing programmes is vital to keeping people out of hospital; highlights that some Hospital at Home initiatives are threatened by staffing shortages; asserts that these programmes are needed more than ever, as hospitals across Scotland are currently struggling with capacity, with patients being treated in corridors at peak times; notes that tackling delayed discharge is a key component of increasing capacity, and acknowledges that many delayed discharges are of older people who could be cared for within social care settings." Paul Sweeney S6M-09191.1 As an amendment to motion S6M-09191 in the name of Michael Matheson (Hospital at Home Programme in Scotland), insert at end "; notes that one in seven people in Scotland are on NHS waiting lists, delayed discharge remains too high, and thousands of NHS vacancies are unfilled; recognises that Hospital at Home requires sustained investment to bring hospital-standard care into the home using technology, in addition to retaining and recruiting the multi-disciplinary teams that are required; considers that Hospital at Home is being hindered by the Scottish Government’s failure to tackle the social care crisis, which is essential in helping people to live independently, and calls on the Scottish Ministers to deliver a long-term funding settlement for this programme, to take urgent action to deliver well-funded and locally available social care services by immediately uplifting social care pay to £12 per hour, with a plan to raise it to £15 per hour, and, as recommended in the Feeley Review, to remove non-residential care charges."
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