That the Parliament recognises what it sees as the vital importance of medical technology, especially real-time continuous glucose monitoring (rt-CGM), for patients with diabetes; notes the Stanford University study that highlighted that type 1 diabetics, and those who use insulin to manage their condition, make about 180 more decisions each day about their health than those without diabetes, and that access to diabetes technology helps to reduce this burden; welcomes the recent SIGN guidance to improve the accessibility of such technology to patients via NHS Scotland; understands that many patients are not able to access rt-CGM or are being forced to switch to a product less suitable for their needs; is concerned about the impact that changes to product use and a lack of access to medical technology is having on patients and the potential impact on diabetes complications; recognises what it sees as the value of sustainable multi-year funding and lifecycle cost benefit analysis in diabetes care, and notes the calls on the Scottish Government to consider what action can be taken to protect patients, including those in the Lothian region, and maximise the availability of cost-saving medical technology.
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