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Members' Business — S6M-07345 Jenni Minto: Special Tribunal on Russian Aggression in Ukraine

Wednesday 22 February 2023 5:38 PM


That the Parliament notes the support, including among people in the Argyll and Bute constituency, for efforts to seek justice and accountability for the reported atrocities committed by Russian troops during their invasion of Ukraine, as well as for what it sees as the crime of the war itself; considers that the decision by the Russian Federation to launch attacks on Ukraine poses a grave challenge to the post-1945 international order; believes that, in line with international law, the invasion has provided for individual criminal responsibility for those who plan, initiate or execute wars of aggression; notes the support for the ongoing investigations into Russia’s military invasion of Ukraine, including those before the International Court of Justice, International Criminal Court and European Court of Human Rights; further notes the calls for the establishment of an ad hoc special tribunal with a mandate to investigate and prosecute the crime of aggression allegedly committed by the political and military leadership of the Russian Federation; notes the suggestions to apply the definition of the crime of aggression based on Article 8 bis of the Rome Statute; further notes the calls for guarantees that accountability will extend to government and political officials; welcomes the reported exercise of jurisdiction by the International Criminal Court over war crimes, crimes against humanity, and attempted genocide on the territory of Ukraine; considers that Russian co-operation with such a trial may be one key metric by which we can judge that Europe is on a path towards peace; believes that a Ukrainian victory is necessary for the integrity of the international system, as are, it considers, justice and accountability for Russian crimes, and notes the view that accountability for the crime of aggression against Ukraine must be secured.

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