Ash Regan S6O-04137 1. To ask the Scottish Government whether it remains committed to rolling out universal entitlement to free school meals for all primary school children within the current parliamentary session. Audrey Nicoll S6O-04138 2. To ask the Scottish Government what impact its recently announced hub for offshore wind will have on the renewables sector in north east Scotland. Clare Adamson S6O-04139 3. To ask the Scottish Government what action it is taking, including in discussion with the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service, to promote electrical safety over the Christmas period. Stuart McMillan S6O-04140 4. To ask the Scottish Government when it last discussed transport infrastructure in Inverclyde with Transport Scotland. Jackie Baillie S6O-04141 5. To ask the Scottish Government what its position is on whether Dumbarton Castle is an important cultural asset. James Dornan S6O-04142 6. To ask the Scottish Government how its draft Budget 2025-26 will support the growth of the Scottish economy. Lorna Slater S6O-04143 7. To ask the Scottish Government, in light of the Circular Economy (Scotland) Act 2024, what progress it has made towards implementing mandatory food waste reporting by larger businesses. Emma Harper 8. [Not Lodged]
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