1. Scottish Youth Parliament: The Committee will take evidence from— Ellie Craig, Chair and MSYP for Glasgow Cathcart, Beinn Grant, MSYP for Perthshire South and Kinross-shire, Beau Johnston, MSYP for Edinburgh Central, Sophie Kerrigan, Deputy Convener, Education and Lifelong Learning Committee and MSYP for Stirling, and Jordana Rae, Convener, Education and Lifelong Learning Committee and MSYP for Cowdenbeath, Scottish Youth Parliament. 2. Higher History Review 2024: The Committee will take evidence from— Kirsty Macdonald, Faculty Head of Social Subjects, Paisley Grammar School and President, Rebecca Hanna, Teacher of History and Politics, Linlithgow Academy and Committee Member, and Andy Johnston, History Teacher, Ross High School and Committee Member, Scottish Association of the Teachers of History (SATH). 3. Evidence Session (in private): The Committee will consider the evidence it heard earlier under agenda items 1 and 2.
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